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Main Page - CosPlay - Kövit
Pictures from the annual Kölner Visual Cosplay treff in Köln, Germany. The event was visited on saturday, the 11th of July 2009.

German: Vielen Dank an die Damen von Dunkelsüß für die schönen Bilder und die Veranstaltungstips!!

Link: www.koevit.de

Please use the following URL to link to the Kövit 2009 page on F22.nl: http://f22.nl/go/kövit2009

Please use the following URL to link to all 2 Kövit pages on F22.nl: http://f22.nl/go/kövit

All 2 reports from Kövit

All 126 reports from subcategory CosPlay

All 45 reports from location Köln

Image: 1 (Image 83087)

Image: 2 (Image 83099)

Image: 3 (Image 83104)

Comments on report 'Kövit'
12-7-09WebmasterPlease send me an e-mail if you were photographed by me