There can be four reasons, for not finding your photo - taken by us - on this website:
Report is coming soon
If the report is still being worked on, the report is classified as 'COMING SOON'. Please have some patience. You can use the NOTIFY ME function to get an e-mail, when the images are published. Feel free to contact me about your own photo, even before they are published. More information can be found on the POLICY page.
Report will not be published
Sometimes we will not publish any images, we have taken at an event. Because of the nature of the event, the images might not be suitable for this website for various reasons. However, feel free to contact me about images I've made. More information can be found on the POLICY page.
Report found, but no image
If you can not find your photo on the report page of an event, it could be because the image was a failure (unsharp, eyes closed). It's also possible we've decided to publish only a few images from the event. However, feel free to contact me about images I've made. More information can be found on the POLICY page.
Report not found
It is not possible to select a report directly from the main-page !
Example of an item on the main page:

The title of the event is grey and not clickable (*).
There are three possibilities:
- Click on the category. You can also select the category in the menu on the left or the menu at the bottom. Example: 'events'.
- Click on the alfabet on the first character of the place of the event. Example: 'R' from Rotterdam.
- Type (a part of) the title of the event in the Search field.
Select the desired report in the list that appears.

Click the (white) title of the event, to view the images.
(*) Sometimes, the title is clickable when the report is to be published (status COMING SOON) and images from previous editions of the event are available.